My most recent complaint has been that my life has been completely unbloggable. Jesus. I sound like a Diablo Cody character.
I started a
tumblr, but that's just because the internet is more interesting than I am, and have cooler stuff. See also:
these. I am currently redigitizing essentially an entire library of material for the work Avid. (As if I need to differentiate between "work Avid" and "home Avid.") I amuse myself with typos-- video for Hannah Montana's "Nobody's Perfect" misspelled as Nobody's Prefect makes me think of a particularly insubordinate private school youth... with a leather jacket over the uniform, smoking by the polo fields. But this is my first glance into the Hannah Montana phenomenon, and I'm feeling old, because I don't really get it, at least not the FRENZY- consumer-wise and otherwise. Or why someone would pay $50 to learn to dance like her, with a plastic mat and a tacky blonde wig. But those people pay dollahs and those dollahs go to womanboss who then pays me, and all is good as long as I make rent and don't eat often enough for it to get expensive.
Yesterday, I thought I had diabetes, but then it was Taco Tuesday, and everything righted itself.